Do you need to calculate South African Employment Tax Incentives (Youth Employment) or just want a way to easily check your payroll calculations?
If you have Windows Excel then seriously consider this program.
- Save employee details so that it is easier to capture future claims.
- Capture the earnings and hours and click on Calculate to see the value of the claim.
- If the input values do not comply with the SARS employee requirements then a message will appear and a value will not be calculated.
- Save the calculation by clicking on the Save button if you want to keep history.
- If calculations are saved, the number of claims can be looked up for future claims. The lookup is done automatically by a press of a button.
- The number of claims is important because the number of claims determine what calculation to use. There are three calculation groups:
* Cycle 1 for 1 to 12 months
* Cycle 2 for 13 to 24 months
* Cycle 0 for Covid Relief
- CoVid Relief calculations are automatically applied – you don't have to do anything other than to calculate for staff over 29 years of age and earned/"deemed to have earned" less than R6500 per month.
- Import or capture Employees directly in the Employee tab if you don't want to use the Form each time.
- Import or capture ETI History directly in the ETI History tab if you don't want to use the Form each time.
- Use the ETI History Tab for SARS Easyfile submission records. The fields are setup according to the BRS Spec that is why month is 01, 02, 03 etc
- One program/spreadsheet for all your ETI calculations.
- If your payroll software calculates ETI you can use the calculator to check these calculations. You don't need to first save employees or history -just type in the fields, click Calculate and see the results.
- The program checks that the age, income is allowable and works out the 160 hours equivalent earnings if the hours worked amount is less than 160 hours. It even checks the number of claims and allows for the extra 4 claims for CoVid relief.
- Use the Checklist Tab to make sure you have complied to the Employer requirements.
- Our Consultants use this tool to check our systems and to audit the outsourcing payroll calculations.
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