Post Archive

Remember 2021 Tax Relief measures still in place

Remember that you can claim up to an additional R750 for employees under 65 according to the extended ETI rules from August to November, Our software calculates the ETI rules and we have a handy excel template program to help you calculate the valid claims. Remember to email if you need help.

SARS Bi-Annual Submissions due

The Bi-Annual filing season is now open and the deadline for submissions is 31 October 2021 for all South African Employers. If you would like assistance, please contact our friendly support consultants via email to

Tax Relief from August 2021(ETI additional rules)

SARS is advertising the 2021 tax relief measures from August 2021 for Employment Tax Incentives. Although not legislated yet, the instructions appear on the SARS website for claiming Employment Tax Incentives. Please see the tax practitioners notes here We have updated our Windows Excel template program and PayLite Products to cater for the calculations. The...

BEWARE of Cloud payroll services that are not local

Just because the website ends with does not mean the company is registered in South Africa. If you have a dispute, or need to take legal action, will you have to do that in the USA? If you are considering cloud payroll, please look for local suppliers that: Is a registered company in South Africa, has a proven track...

Update to TaxTool Version 4 for iPhone® or iPad ® now available

The Tax Tool© calculates tax due for salaries, monthly, weekly, fortnightly wages and adjusts for Medical Tax Credits based on the number of members on medical aid. Lookup all the payroll ceilings, limits, rules on the pdf Cheat Sheet. Caters for 2019/2020 ,2020/2021 and also the 2021/2022 tax year and will be updated with new tax year...