
Sars filing season now open

The SARS employers filing season has opened and employers have till 31 May to file the EMP501 return for the tax year ended 28 February 2019. If you need assistance, please contact us to arrange a booking. Call 010 591 2080 or email

Capturing Banking details

Our Support Consultants are expressly forbidden to capture banking details on client systems. This includes working on backups for SARS submissions or any other support work undertaken. Please consider how you audit and check your payroll capturing procedure and how you can ensure that staff banking details are only changed by authorised staff and that these...

Employer Reconciliation Filing Season

Although the Employer PAYE filing season opened on 1 April, there is a notification on the SARS e-filing website stating that they are upgrading their systems on 13-15 April. We have decided to wait until after the SARS system upgrade to file the E@syfile declarations so that we don't have to redo a submission if...

ETI claims from 1 March – REMINDER

Please remember to adjust your calculations from 1 March to the new ETI amounts or ensure you are on the latest version of Payslip: The monthly calculated ETI amount per qualifying employee is determined as follows: For the first twelve months of employment – Monthly Remuneration  Determination Monthly Calculated ETI Amount R0 – R2000 50% x monthly remuneration R0 - R1000 R2001 - R4500 Fixed at R1000 R1000 R4501...

BEWARE of e-payslip web services UNSECURED

Friends, please be very careful when considering using web service companies to create self service electronic payslips. Ask your payroll provider first. Look for reputable long established companies that provide the expensive infrastructure to protect your data else that "free" or cheap service could become very expensive when your data is stolen. Scan their site using...

WCA reports Statistical Values [Compensation Act]

Please remember to print out the forcasted values for the WCA reports (Compensation for Injury on Duty)from your payroll system using the following rate of earning ceilings as part of the year end reporting/roll over reporting: From 1 March 2019, celiling is R 458 520.00 ( Gazette number GN1346 GG42092 / 7 December 2018) FRom 1 March 2018, ceiling...

New RSA tax rebates from 1 March

The new South African tax rates come into effect from 1 March and there is a small difference in the tax rebates and tax thresholds only. The actual tax rates remain the same and there has been no changes to medical tax credits or any other payroll element. We do however await promulgation of a proposed...